Come with us in Roboclass
Vocational school of Electrical and Electronics Engineering „K.Fotinov“ is a municipal high school with established traditions in curricular and extracurricular school activities, in which general and vocational training are being combined. The school has successfully completed national and European projects, funded by European funds. The extracurricular activities in the school are contemporary, such as: Choir for Patriotic Songs, Traditional Dance Team and Trumpet Orchestra, in which participants present their activities at school, municipal and national holidays and events. The project „Come with us in Roboclass“ is aimed at vocational training teachers and students specializing in Programming, Applied Programming and Telecommunications, in grades 9, 10 and 11 with intense English language study. The project will be attended by two teachers, complying to the A1 activity in training course and by twenty students, which will be accompanied by two teachers. Two mobilities will take place - A1 for one week and A2 for three weeks at the Kállósemjén Students and Youth Association’s (KDIE) school center in Hungary. The mobility will be a compilation of personal development and improvement, vocational training and enhancement in cultural education. The main objectives of the project are: A1 - acquiring knowledge and programming skills in EV3 Lego robots at an advanced level and A2 - acquiring knowledge and skills in building and programming EV3 Lego robots at beginners level. By accomplishing the main objective of acquiring proficiency and experience in Lego robotics, consolidation and development of knowledge in fundamental vocational subjects will occur, as a result this will enhance the insight in those fundamental subjects, as well it will familiarise the students with the robot’s abilities, their collaboration with other new technologies and their educational applications. The formula of success for completing the main objective will be a combination of acquiring knowledge, skills and professional competencies, their recognition and subsequently realisation. The project gives the opportunity to master the basics of computer and engineering oriented thinking trough robotics, developing interdisciplinary thinking process, while solving complex tasks and stimulating creativity. The project aims to step-up the qualification of the participants, by comprehending positive experience of specialists in the field of robotics, by providing the opportunity of enrichment and complementing professional knowledge and by accumulating useful practical and personal experience. Topics covered by the project „Come with us in Robo-class“ are informational, computer and engineering based technologies - digital competencies, transparency and certifying mobility results. For the successful completion of the project, cooperative activities will be carried out between the school and the host organisation KDIE, with the participation of students and teachers. Main activities are as follows: conducting agreements with national agency, with KDIE and the participants; preparing participants for mobilities, conducting them in Hungary; logistic support for participants; reporting, certification and publication of project results from all participants among targeted groups: future users, teachers, parents, the public, partners and employers. Robotics is among the most fine and incredible ways to gain practical and theoretical experience in the world of technical sciences, like Physics, Mathematics, Information Technologies and Programming. Knowledge is gained in various technical subjects, throughout designing and programming robots. Those are proficiencies which open many doors in the rapidly developing digital society. With the usage of Lego EV3, robots are quickly tested for different designs. Through robotics training participants are given the opportunity to think, make mistakes, create and be original. Not just to be taught, but to be learning on their own trough their whole life. With the mobility participants will enrich their awareness of the leading topic and will gain an insight into Hungary’s economic and culture. The positive effects for each of the participants have many dimensions. Learning in English will improve their language competencies in a real world environment. The project will provide a basis for provisioning a robotics lab and an opportunity to seek and apply new, innovative learning approaches. Completing the mobilities and accomplishing the project’s goals will benefit the high school. The school will expand its international contacts and partnerships, and the exchanged experience will provide an opportunity to implement more innovative topics into the curriculum. By participating in international educational programs the school becomes an attractive place, offering more effective learning process, aimed at acquiring useful and current knowledge and also skills, which is also the mission of the high school. Education and practice in Kállósemjén, Hungary. During the weekends - cultural program in Budapest, Debrecen, Nyiregyhaza and other cities in the area. On the last day, we have received our deserved certificates. Congratulations to the boys and girls.