Automation in action
Automation in Action N 2012-1-BG1-LEO01-06854 Beneficiaries - 20 students from eleven classes of high school and two accompanying persons Main objectives: The formation of knowledge and abilities for assembly and exploitation of automated systems; Acquiring skills for analysis and evaluation of the technical parameters of automation elements in connection with their practical application; Learning logical thinking and ability to transfer knowledge from theory to practice; The formation of cognitive interests; Education in honesty, correctness, tolerance, precision, discipline and acquisition of team work habits; Enriching intercultural experience; Expanding language competencies. Expected results • students should be: trained specialists for working with new equipment and technologies in the field of industrial and building automation; Adaptable, disciplined, educated in precision, prepared for the requirements of the European labor market; • students have: increased motivation for personal and professional improvement, creativity and non-standard thinking; Formed international consciousness and behavior and national self-esteem. Europass Mobility Certification; Certificate from ETN Management s.r.l. For mobility; A certificate from the company where the student will practice; Certificate from PGEA "Konstantin Fotinov" for the preliminary training. Partner - ETN Management s.r.l. Is an international network of 5 organizations in Italy (Sistema Turismo), Spain (Esmovia), Germany (Berlink), England (Trainig Vision) and Bulgaria Gateway, planning and managing European mobile projects. Since 1998, he has been an intermediary organization in the management of European Mobility Projects. The company has established lasting ties with leading organizations and companies from various professional fields with which it concludes contracts for the conduct of mobile practice. In addition to the organization of workplaces for students, ETN Management s.r.l. Also organizes various visits to professional fields, language courses, social and cultural events. The primary objective of the company is to provide its skills and knowledge acquired through a series of services to companies and individuals working in the field of education, European planning, national and international mobility.