Project Socrates, subprogram Comenius
From 01.09.2004 PGEE"K. Fotinov " has been working on project Socrates, subprogram Comenius 1 subroutine to the European Union as a partner school in Germany and Finland. The theme of the project: Creating a multicultural internet platform - for education in Information Technology (EMIPIT). With our participation in the project we have achieved the following: building partnerships with schools in other countries; internationalization of education in IT; exchange of knowledge about the opportunities for effective school organization. The project participants have become more open, more interested in culture, countries and peoples; to establish and maintain contacts between students - teachers - enterprises and thereby the European dimension of school work during the project. The project has striving to prepare the infrastructure, technology and furnishing of schools united Europe. This means education that the best way assist in the preparation of students and young workers on the European labor market. The three partners built a self-space containing the most - and most important - interesting information in the fields of economy, culture and society of the country and region, intended for national and international visitors of the web page. PGEE created the following applications: 1. Web site of Bulgaria, Burgas and the school. 2. Creating a database ( "job - offers") to offer companies seeking specialists in our school.The project completed its work in 2004/2005 with a visit to our students in Aschaffenburg, Germany and the visit of German and Finnish students in Burgas.