Education without borders - the world is robotics
Project under the Erasmus+ program, KD1, sector Professional education and training on the topic: "Education without borders - the world is robotics", No. 2022-1-BG01-KA122-VET-000073170. Twenty students will visit Hungary in the summer of 2023 for a two-week robotics training. Potential beneficiaries - 10th and 11th grades. Project period 01.09.2022 – 29.02.2024. Partner: Kállósemjéni Diákokért és Ifjakért Egyesület (KDIE), Hungary. The main goal is to improve the quality of education and professional qualification for the participants and their motivation from the training in robotics in VSEEE "Konstantin Fotinov", Burgas. Acquisition of knowledge and formation of skills in the field of LEGO robotics. Acquisition of skills and knowledge in the field of vocational training and IKT. Participants will improve their skills in a practical and specific way together with other participants and trainers in Europe, thus gaining a wider understanding of robot construction in Europe, as well as exchanging best practices and experiences. The practice will teach the participants to know the components of the robotic systems and the device and the design features of the elements, such as sensors, control devices, executive devices.
VSEEE "Konstantin Fotinov", Burgas realized a mobility for the purpose of practice under the "Erasmus+" program, KD 1, sector Professional education and training, project "Education without borders - the world is robotics".
For another year, high school students held a two-week practice in Kállósemjén, Hungary in the period 24.06.2023 - 08.07.2023. Twenty students from 10-th and 11-th grades worked with Lego robots, programmed and operated the devices assembled by them personally. During their free time, the students visited the capital of Hungary - Budapest and other cities. They practiced sports activities, engaged in cycling, archery, board games, go-karting, etc.
Young people consolidated their knowledge in the field of Lego robotics and acquired new ones, improved their foreign language and social skills. They got to know the way of life and culture of Hungary, Hungarian cuisine, traditions and customs.
During the project period they worked on a logo, a brochure, a t-shirt design, presentations, a film about mobility, collages and information sharing.
The results of the mobility were reported in the "Morsko Casino", Petya Dubarova Hall on November 22, 2023. The event was attended by high school students and teachers, parents, teachers from universities and other schools. The students presented the film specially made for mobility and the certificates were distributed by the high school principal.