Education for IT career
1.Necessity of the program Branch organizations in the sector of Information Technologies point the sharp lack of prepared staffs for employment. Software companies primarily experience difficulties to find qualified staffs that have secondary education for the positions connected with programming. In connection to this during December 2015, the ministerial council adopted a concept for encouraging the training of software specialists. On December 15, 2016, the minister of education and science signed a cooperation agreement for software training of students with the representatives of the IT industry (further – "The agreement"). From the side of the IT industry, the agreement was signed from the Bulgarian association of the software companies (BASSCOM), the Bulgarian Association for Information Technologies (BAIT), the Bulgarian outsourcing Association and Foundation "Cluster Information and Communication Technologies (ICT Cluster)". Term of the scheme: 2017-2018 (I school year) 2nd school year 2018-2019 2.Range of the program The education is done in professional high schools and schools, in which professional education is carried out by state plan-reception for achieving professional educational qualification on specialties of jobs in professional direction with code 481 "Computer Science" from the list of professions for professional education and training and is assisted by 5 centres, distinctive to the corresponding schools, as follows: Pravec - to Professional high school of Information Technologies and Systems, Pravec, and Technical University, Sofia. Rousse - to the Professional high school of Electricity and Electronics "Apostol Arnaudov", Rousse, and University "Angel Kanchev" Rousse. Plovdiv - to MG "Acad. Kiril Popov" and the University "Paisii Hilendarski", Plovdiv. Bourgas - to the Professional High School of Electrical and Electronics "K. Fotinov " and University " Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov ", Bourgas. Sofia - to Technological School "Electronic Systems" and Technical University, Sofia. 3.Expected results After the execution of the program in the professional high schools there will be constructed capacity, for present software education and it will increase the connection with universities. The training will be handled according to the State Educational Standard, developed by the business, according to its requirements. One of the expectations, which are pledged in the Conception for encouraging the training of software specialists is the students still in XII class to be able to begin work in software companies. 4. Program activities 4.1. Specific center activities Preparation and maintenance of the continuance of the national program on an online platform or similar solution/product for producing educational content and test tasks and for communication between teachers and students. Development of educational documentation (teaching plans and teaching programs) and development of educational materials for students and teachers. Teaching of teachers and lecturers for teaching new curricula, including development of educational materials, providing instructors of technicians and instruction rooms for this practice. Elaboration of a program for the training of teachers and stages of its implementation. Preparation of a program for the students' training, stages of its implementation and criteria and tests for the passing of students from one stage to another on the basis of results achieved. Methodological support for activities under the national program. 4.2. Common activities for centers and schools Selection of the participants in the education - conducting an information campaign; preparing admissibility tests. Student training: Organization and provision of education. Conduction of a test to pass students from one stage of education to another on the basis of results achieved. Photos in the gallery. The start of the program for the second year begins. Objective of the program: Students from all over the country who are in X class during the school year 2018/2019 to acquire, through training, within three academic years the professional qualification "Application Programmer". Inclusion the program: by signing in until 16:00 on 5 October 2018 and successfully passed entry test to be held on 14 October 2018. Education: Launching on 1 November 2018. The education will take place in Bourgas on non-fluctuating days within three school years. Education is free of charge.